The Three Unforgivable Commands

The Three Unforgivable Commands
dangerous-commands-memes, developer-nightmares-memes, data-loss-memes, system-administration-memes, git-disasters-memes |

Ah, the unholy trinity of developer nightmares presented as dark magic symbols! These three commands represent career-ending mistakes that haunt the dreams of tech professionals:

DROP DATABASE - The database equivalent of a tactical nuke. One second your data exists, the next second your resume is being updated.

rm -rf /* - The Linux command that says "I'd like everything on this system deleted, please and thank you." Hope you enjoyed having files!

git push --force - The team collaboration destroyer. Nothing says "my code is more important than everyone else's work" quite like overwriting the shared repository history.

Execute any of these in production without a backup, and you might as well start practicing the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"

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