Why Cpp Why

Why Cpp Why
hello-world-memes, syntax-comparison-memes, cpp-memes, python-memes, java-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

The meme shows Winnie the Pooh getting progressively more formal/disturbed as he encounters different "Hello World" syntax across programming languages. Python's simple print("hello world") is chill, Java's verbose System.out.println() makes him put on a bowtie, JavaScript's console.log() keeps him fancy, Rust's println!() has him looking distinguished, C# brings out the formal Console.WriteLine(), and C's printf() maintains the vibe. But when C++ hits with that std::cout << "Hello, World!" syntax, Pooh loses his mind and starts grinding his teeth. The stream insertion operator really pushed him over the edge. Syntax complexity: the true villain origin story.

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