Content Samantha Morlote therealsmorlote !!!THE BELOW MESSAGE WAS DISPLAYED ON SOMEONE'S TV. CODE WAS DISPLAYED, MIXED WITH THE WORDS "KILL PROCESS OR SACRIFICE CHILD" ! ! ! !! ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS ! ! tharoe Electronics, Inc. Ent Suston (ENS-03: Cent0S release 6.9 (FInal) Kennel: 2.6.32-696. on on 1606 TAMPZ? vidp.CA301 login: Dal of aemory: KISS proccist 12090 ale) score 061 or sa crifice chila MIlod process 12059, UID B, (ule) total-4: 109013248, anon-ras:79341640, fla-r 50:50010 Dat of schory: WIII proceus 20970 (ulc) scare 061 ar sacrifice child kit fed process 20970, MID D, (vic) total-: 107726010, anon-res00007240, CHa-r SE :20010 Dat of schory: WIII process 16879 (ule) score 056 or socrifice child AIled process Tuscs, Wis B, (ole) total-use: 1072540kD, anon-ras:00403240), File-r as 127230 Dat of schory: MI11 process 18399 (ule) score 011 ar socrifice child KIlled process 18399, UID B, (ulc) (otal-ue: 1011900kB, anon-ras:72039248, file-r 86:100kB