

preSortedSortAlgorithm | loc-memes, version-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, api-memes, sorting-memes, IT-memes |
loc-memes, version-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, api-memes, sorting-memes, IT-memes |


C presort.cp I The Pre Sorted Sort algorithm can be insanely fast, sometimes. How it works: MIl Send your unsorted list to the API sorted list – sendToAPI("". unsorted list) W If a similar list is found, the API returns a previously sorted version of your list made by some other user if (sorted list is not empty) return sorted list; Else, sort the list locally, upload the result to help other poor soul else sorted list bubbleSort (unsorted list); uploadToPI( sorted list); return sorted list; The API contains more than one million pre sorted lists, covering most sorting cases. Don’t waste time sorting when others already sorted!