Efficient Algorithm? More Like Efficient Disaster!

Efficient Algorithm? More Like Efficient Disaster!
algorithms-memes, big-o-notation-memes, computational-complexity-memes, inefficient-code-memes, computer-science-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

SWEET MOTHER OF COMPUTATIONAL DISASTERS! This poor soul is out here creating algorithms with O(n^n) complexity and has the AUDACITY to blame it on technology limitations?! 💀

For the blissfully unaware: O(n^n) is basically the algorithmic equivalent of trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. It's SO HORRIFICALLY INEFFICIENT that computer scientists don't even bother including it in most complexity charts because they're too busy having nervous breakdowns just thinking about it.

No honey, you're not "limited by the technology of your time" - you're limited by your catastrophic life choices in algorithm design! Even a quantum computer from the year 3000 would burst into flames trying to run that monstrosity!

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