The Four Stages Of Tech Exhaustion

The Four Stages Of Tech Exhaustion
ai-memes, machinelearning-memes, techburnout-memes, programminghumor-memes, techindustry-memes |

OH. MY. GOD. The absolute BLOODSHOT NIGHTMARE that is trying to keep up with AI news! 👁️👄👁️

Forget your recreational substances - they're CHILD'S PLAY compared to the soul-crushing exhaustion of refreshing your feed every 5 SECONDS to discover that EVERYTHING you learned yesterday is now COMPLETELY OBSOLETE!

Your eyes don't just get red - they literally EVOLVE into sleep-deprived black holes that consume light, hope, and any chance of having a stable knowledge base. It's like being trapped in a never-ending hackathon where the requirements change hourly and the documentation is written in disappearing ink!

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