Worst Kind Of Trick Or Treater

Worst Kind Of Trick Or Treater
testing-memes, debugging-memes, edge-cases-memes, sql-injection-memes, buffer-overflow-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

Software testers don't just find bugs—they actively hunt them down with maniacal glee. This poor homeowner is experiencing what developers face daily: a relentless barrage of edge cases designed to break everything.

From SQL injection attempts (DROP TABLE candy) to buffer overflow tests (3333 Musketeers) to that terrifying ${rm -rf /} command that would delete your entire filesystem—this tester is determined to crash your Halloween just like they crash your code in production.

And ringing the doorbell 2^32-1 times? That's just testing the integer limit before overflow. The house sinking into the ground is the only reasonable response to such QA terrorism.

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