OTHER PROGRAMMERS US ME THEIR CODE from dataRow1 in formReportDataTable.Asnumerable( on dataRow1("FormI0) equals dataRow2( "ObjectIO) from resultRow in tempResult.DefaultifEmpty (drFormsCaregory) from resultRow? in tempResult2.DefaultIfEmpty0 join CategoryAow in deCategories-AsEnunerable. on (Guid) resultRow"CategoryID" equals (Guid)CategoryRow(IO) into tempResult 3 FormI0 " (dataRows a nUll I dataRon (Rornio") (dataRowd as null ll datoRowd("Formilane") MY CODE if ( 'barkl); ? THEIR QUESTIONS What is the good RMSE (root-mean-square-error) value range to justify the efficiency of multivariate linear regression model? Asked today Viewed 3 times MY QUESTIONS How do you type the upside down q? Asked today Viewed 254 times THEIR ERRORS MY ERRORS Error List entire Solution 1 Error A 2 Wamings Descriotion ( CS1002 You forgot the semicolon again. Idiot. CO168 The variable e is declared but never used CS0168 The variable e1' is declared but never used DESMAN