The final benchmark: We can now end the speed debate about C vs Python

The final benchmark: We can now end the speed debate about C vs Python | python-memes, c-memes |
python-memes, c-memes |


include stdio.h include unistd.h include time.h int main Of int end, start time (NULL); sleep (5); end time (NULL); printf ("Execution time: d sn", end-start); return 0; ! usbinenv python3 import time start time.time () time.sleep (5) end time. time () print ("Execution time: d s" (end-start)) main.c ALl L13 sh-5.1 gcc main.c . a.out Execution time: 5 s sh-5.15 I (C1 Abbrev) U: sh-5.1 . Execution time: 5 s sh-5.15 I All L8 (Python ElDoc) U: terminas (Term: char run) U: terminal2 Bot L16 (Term: char run