
Some people just want to watch the world burn

Some people just want to watch the world burn | matplotlib-memes, data-memes, pandas-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, data scientist-memes, retweet-memes |
matplotlib-memes, data-memes, pandas-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, data scientist-memes, retweet-memes |

[text] Bojan Tunguz tunguz Offend a Data Scientist in one tweet. 638 PM 16 Dec 22 171 Retweets 162 Quote Tweets 1851 Likes O v o Bitchaari TheRainPoetess 19h Replying to tunguz import tensorflow as plt import pandas as tf import numpy as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as np Q 70 153 Q 1382