Russian Roulette: Python Edition

Russian Roulette: Python Edition
python-memes, system32-memes, dangerous-code-memes, random-number-memes, guessing-game-memes |

Ah, the classic "guess the number or lose your operating system" game! This Python script starts innocently enough - importing random and os modules, generating a random number between 1 and 10, and asking for your guess. But the stakes are ASTRONOMICAL.

If you guess correctly: "You Won!" Congrats on your basic pattern recognition skills!

If you guess wrong: The script casually executes os.remove("C:\Windows\System32") - essentially nuking the critical directory that keeps your Windows system functioning. Game over... literally. Your computer is now an expensive paperweight.

The title "Everyone should play this game 2-3 times in life" is the chef's kiss of sarcasm. Sure, if you enjoy reinstalling your OS as a hobby!

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