Keaton Patti KeatonPatti Follow I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Olive Garden commercials and then asked it to write an Olive Garden commercial of its own. Here is the first page. OLIVE GARDEN COMMERCIAL INT. OLIVE GARDEN RESTAURANT group of FRIENDS laughs at a dinner table. A WAITRESS comes deliver what could be considered food. WAITRESS Pasta nachos for you. We see the pasta nachos. They're warm and defeated. FRIEND 1 The menu is here. WAITRESS Lasagna wings with extra Italy. We see the lagagna wings. There's more Italy than necessary. FRIEND 2 I shall eat Italian citizens. WAITRESS Unlimited stick. We see the unlimited stick. It is infinite. It is all. FRIEND 3 Leave without me. I'm home. WAITRESS Gluten Classico. From the kitchen. We the Gluten Classico. We believe the waitress that it 18 from the kitchen. We have no reason not to believe. Friend 4 says nothing. FRIEND 1 What is wrong, Friend 4? Friend 4 says nothing. FRIEND Friend 4, what is wrong, Friend 4? Friend 4 smiles wide. Her mouth is full of secret soup. ANNOUNCER (wet voice) olive Garden. When You're Here, You're Here.