infinite Memes

I Used The Infinite Loop To Stop The Infinite Looops

iUsedTheInfiniteLoopToStopTheInfiniteLooops | code-memes, oop-memes, ide-memes, infinite loop-memes, infinite-memes |
[text] Ive gotten tired of giving myself the easy way out with ctrlC whenever accidentally code an infinite loop so Ive started adding this bad boy to every single loop make i nw il i i Af

Dark Mode

darkMode | date-memes, validation-memes, oop-memes, infinite loop-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Telmo telmo 1d Working on some form validations. Date of birth DD-MM-YYYY Sorry, someone already borned on this day. 46 17 398 1,814 8 Telmo telmo Dark mode looks great. Address 1 Infinite Loop This is awkward, another user lives on this address already.

Infinite Money Glitch

infiniteMoneyGlitch | hacker-memes, try-memes, function-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, infinite-memes |
Content : HackerMan 041523(Sat)00:43:03 No. 72959568 Call a company "Hello would you like whitehathacker LLC to attempt to hack you? We offer our services to poke 27 KB JPG holes in your network, and if we find a problem, we let you know. That way we can patch it so no big bad hackerman can break in?" They agree Try to "hack" their system Sit on my ass for a week "Your system is fully functional and we did not find any holes" Get paid

Scaling Losses Have Never Been Easier

scalingLossesHaveNeverBeenEasier | management-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, infinite-memes |

Buddy of mine had an interesting choice of editor for a class I used to be in…

Buddy of mine had an interesting choice of editor for a class I used to be in… | html-memes, code-memes, rest-memes, class-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, infinite-memes, notepad-memes |
Content What did you code your html in for 485 I can't take much more notepad already Visual studio what the fuck dude Lol Code Visual studio code Cool sounds infinitely better 1 respect the notepad you know Read 10:14 PM It seemed right in the moment

We Are Fucked

weAreFUcked | program-memes, try-memes, machine-memes, mac-memes, cs-memes, space-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Sofia "Buff Girlfriend" Follow sofiabuffgf I spent years of my life learning how to program massive CNC machines to become one of the handful of people in the country making parts for literal spaceships, and the free market in its infinite wisdom determined that the most valuable use of my labor was hole pics 5:42 PM 15082024 From Earth 1.3M Views 813 Reposts 88 Quotes 24K Likes 2.6K Bookmarks

Rust Strikes Again

Rust Strikes Again | program-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, youtube-memes, infinite-memes, rust-memes |
Content Media Program to store files inside of YouTube videos for infinite cloud storage written entirely in Rust YouTube as a form of hard drive (Read description

Infinite recursion...

Infinite recursion... | recursion-memes, comment-memes, infinite-memes |
Content You have 3 wishes Sarcasmiol I wish you didn't know counting You used all your wishes. Bye. 1 2.6K 1 Like 24 Comments 96 Shares Comment Share Harsha Somaraju I wish number 1 comes after 2. Infinite recursion Like Reply

Chat Gpt Programmers Be Like

chatGptProgrammersBeLike | programmer-memes, program-memes, errors-memes, error-memes, c-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Monkey Infinitely Typing on a Keyboard Me giving up after too many compilation errors Functioning Code

A programmer gets a genie lamp....

A programmer gets a genie lamp.... | programmer-memes, program-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Genie: You can wish for anything but infinite wishes Wish 1: I wish that Wish 2 happens after wish 3 Wish 2: I wish to be free Wish 3: I wish to be a genie Genie:

Joke Thread Not Ending

jokeThreadNotEnding | loops-memes, oop-memes, recursion-memes, IT-memes, public-memes, infinite loop-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Uh, I'd like to tell you a joke about infinite loops. But you'll never hear the end of it. buildinpublic jokes 1:45 PM Jan 15, 2024 26 Views 91 17 1 3 1 Post your reply Reply 18m How about I tell you a joke about recursion? But first, let me tell you a joke about recursion. 92 17 a 7 Adi adityaasdhir 2m I wanna tell you a joke about a variable, but it keeps changing. 17 1 til 3

An Infinite Loop

anInfiniteLoop | programmer-memes, code-memes, python-memes, program-memes, oop-memes, IT-memes, infinite-memes |
Content Isaac Is Laughing imosquera 25m "IT WORKED!! IT WORKED!!!" my son screamed with joy from his room. I'm teaching him to code python and left him alone to solve a problem. me: "Son, that feeling you had never goes away for as long as you code". This is why programmers love to code. 01 17 Isaac Is Laughing imosquera 2m update he's now yelling "IT'S NOT WORKING NOW, THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!!" me: "Son, this feeling also never goes away for as long as you code."