
# This is a title for a post. Here i can type in whatever I want….

# This is a title for a post. Here i can type in whatever I want.... | code-memes, string-memes, function-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |
code-memes, string-memes, function-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |


u mfs be commenting your code like… here i’m declaring a variable called "my string" and setting it’s value to "hello world" mystring "hello world" again, another variable called "myotherstring", it’s value is "!" my otherstring "!" now this here is a function called concatString(), it concatenates the two strings. (mystring and myotherstring) def concatString(): print result of "mystring my otherstring" print(mystring myotherstring) -69.420 social credit here i’m calling the function concatString() to be executed concatString() 0797