Content STOP using OOP Object-Oriented Programming ENCAPSULATES your data, RESTRICTING its flow over your program. Let natural selection take its course and randomly choose which of your arbitrarily-named local and global variables to use. Object-Oriented Programming ABSTRACTS data, CONCEALING it from the rest of your program. How do YOU feel knowing the goverment hides data from YOU? Your classes feel the same way. Object-Oriented Programming INHERITS its data, STEALING them from your other classes and passing it off as its own. YOU wouldn't like it if someone stole YOUR code and said it was theirs! Your base classes don't like it either. Object-Oriented Programming makes your classes POLYMORPHIC, treating derived classes as LESS THAN THEY ARE. Interpreting your classes as something they are not is demeaning. It also takes away the STRUCTURE and VERBOSITY that casting and conversion functions create. This is an example of the beauty, simplicity, and elegance of normal, procedural programming. include iostream int main() std:: cout "Hello, World!" std::endl; return OF This is an example of the horrors that OOP creates. This dark-mode friendly propaganda brought to you by the "Go is not 00P as it does not support key OOP concepts such as true polymorphism or inheritance, instead relying on method-based interfaces to pass similar structures" gang