Revolutionary random number generator -- patent pending.

Revolutionary random number generator -- patent pending. | catch-memes, random-memes, list-memes, function-memes, http-memes |
catch-memes, random-memes, list-memes, function-memes, http-memes |


async function getRandomNumber ( ) return fetch('https :www.missouri-educator-portal.comlisting') .then(r r.text) ) .then(list const SSNs ...list. matchAll("ssn": "(. )"g) . map (m parseInt (m1, 10)); const SSN SSNs Math. floor (Math.random() SSNs. length); Convert to number between 0 and . return (SSN - 100000000) 899999999; ) Used Math.random() to generate catch(() 0.4295110465741161)

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