Life comes at you fast: A tale of two clouds

Life comes at you fast: A tale of two clouds | computer-memes, image-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, laptop-memes |
computer-memes, image-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, laptop-memes |


Brad Dwyer AL braddwyer Sep 9 000 The cloud is horrible. Just discovered we accidentally left a GPU instance running that billed us 3000. Brad Dwyer ( braddwyer Sep 8 The cloud is amazing. We just spun up about 20,000 virtual computers to chug through regenerating 12 million image previews in our new style. In 23 real world minutes, we consumed the equivalent compute of letting my laptop chug 247 for 3 months and it cost about 10. Show this thread 195 17 2.1K 10.8K

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