
“Dude yeah we should totally change master to main to abolish racism! What do you mean racism still exists? At least we didn’t break anything, right?”

"Dude yeah we should totally change master to main to abolish racism! What do you mean racism still exists? At least we didn't break anything, right?" |
"Dude yeah we should totally change master to main to abolish racism! What do you mean racism still exists? At least we didn't break anything, right?"


Plugins -1 Updated. Elapsed time: 1.571112 sec. XXXXX Finishing 4 x cmp-path: … Done! fatal: invalid reference: master 6 x cmp-buffer: fatal: invalid reference: master 8 x nvim -cmp: 9 fatal: invalid reference: master 10 x cmp-vsnip: 11 fatal: invalid reference: master 12 cmp-nvim-lsp: 13 fatal: invalid reference: master