rwebdev Posted by uimjustnoob45 6h Why is community so harsh? They'd say horrible things everytime I tried to create a post, and I'm completely aware that sometimes my post needs more clarity, or my post is a duplication, but the reason my post was a duplicate was because the original post's solution wasn't working for me... Also, while my posts might be simple to answer at times, please keep in mind that I am a newbie in programming and stackoverflow... I enjoy stackoverflow since it has benefited many programmers, including myself, but please don't be too harsh :( In the comments, you are free to say whatever you want. I'll also mention that I'm going to work on improving my answers and questions on stackoverflow. I hope you understand what I'm saying, and thank you very much! 4 249 S 0 147 Share BEST COMMENTS Sarke1 3h R 2 Awards Marked as duplicate. This question already has an answer here:Why is CSGO's community so toxic? 5 Reply 4 359