Ah yes, LinkedIn elitist gatekeeping at it's finest!

Ah yes, LinkedIn elitist gatekeeping at it's finest! | tech-memes, design-memes, hacker-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, loc-memes, internet-memes, linkedin-memes, overflow-memes, documentation-memes, open source-memes, logs-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
tech-memes, design-memes, hacker-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, loc-memes, internet-memes, linkedin-memes, overflow-memes, documentation-memes, open source-memes, logs-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


2nd Lead Backend Engtheer at: 1mo Edited ( One of my friends with 5 years experience rejected an offer from a local company due to salary issues, to be honest the offer was fair enough to his level. i asked him 10 questions and he got 1 from 10. 1- did you contribute to any open source projects. 2- do you have more than 500 point on stack overflow. 3- what is your level in hacker rank. 4- are you fluent in english. 5- did you write any kind of tech blogs. 6- could you please explain what is the internet to me. 7- how much blogs do you read per month. g- documentation vs stack overflow. 9- what is the last design pattern you used. 10- what is the last thing you have learned out side your full time job. please before asking a company for elon musk's salary, ask yourself, do i deserve such salary. 9 456 comments

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