1 MINUTE INTO TUTORIAL ' A "Hello, World!" program in Visual Basic. Module Hello Sub Main ( MsgBox ("Hello, World!") Display Fnd Module 2 MINUTES INTO TUTORIAL Imports System Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forme Public NotInheritable (acg Farm Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Friend With aS Sustem.candows.Forms.nigtROY Friend WithEvents ListDragTarget As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox Friend WithEvents DropLocationLabel As System.Windows.Forms.Label Private inCexorTremindermonseobra g Integer Private indexOfItemUnderMouseToDrop As Integer Private dracBoxFromMouseDown As Rectangle Private screen ser as Paint Private MvNormalCursor As Cursor Dahlie Shared Ssh Mainl and can Main Publie Sub Newt MyBase.New ) Me.ListDracSource New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox () Me.ListDracTarget New System.Windows. Forms.ListBox () Me.liceCustomCargorsCheck New Suetem.dindowg.Forms.CheckBoy) Me. DropLocationLa shel Gratom Mindero Farme Ishal I Me. SuspendLayout () Tiotrs Me riot DragSource.Items.AddRange (New; de TicebrarsorrreTerarions ger surren rarir Me.ListDragSource.Size New System. Drawing. Size (120, 225 I List.DracTarget. Me LietDrasTarder 71104Dron - Tage Me riothysaTaseat rasstion Now Guotom Orstine Daint 151 191 Me.ListDracTarcet.Size New Svstem.Drawing. Size (120.