tcp Memes

Tcp Vs Udp

Tcp Vs Udp
Ah, networking protocols explained in their purest form. TCP is that formal guy in a suit, carefully handing over a package, making sure it arrives intact. He'll stand there all day waiting for confirmation. "Did you get it? Please respond. I'm still here waiting..." Meanwhile, UDP is just yeeting packages into the void like a pizza delivery guy who gets paid by quantity, not quality. "I think I threw something in your general direction. Good luck finding it! Not my problem anymore!" After 20 years in the industry, I've learned that both have their place. Need reliability? TCP. Need speed and don't care if a few frames drop in your Zoom call? UDP. It's like choosing between a careful accountant and a chaotic artist - depends if you're filing taxes or throwing paint at a canvas.

The Current Job Market

theCurrentJobMarket | html-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, software-memes, java-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, ux-memes, aws-memes, try-memes, node-memes, nodejs-memes, security-memes, sql-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, mongodb-memes, typescript-memes, bash-memes, docker-memes, selenium-memes, maven-memes, jenkins-memes, mongo-memes, springboot-memes, c#-memes, gcp-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, terraform-memes, nosql-memes, ci/cd-memes, kubernetes-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes, graphql-memes, tcp-memes |
[text] 2020 Company We hope you have a pulse because were about to pay you 100k and teach you everything you need to know Me Yay Im a software engineer 2024 Company You must know SQL Java Kubernetes Docker AWS Terraform Jenkins CICD C ServiceNow NoSQL GraphQL Typescript Spring SpringBoot Selenium Maven JUnit Javascript Jest NodeJS MongoDB Angular HTML CSS TCP IP Linux Virtualization TLS GCP Bash have active security clearance masters degree CS or related field and mi um 10 years of experience. Please provide cover letter academic transcript and 3 professional references. Posted now. Entry level role 22.50hr. 800 applications job expired. made with mematic

Is This Is What Feature Creep Looks Like

isThisIsWhatFeatureCreepLooksLike | list-memes, http-memes, socket-memes, feature-memes, tcp-memes |
Content HttpListener TCPListner Socket writing the bytes by hand and throwing it.

Handy Chart For Hhtprequest Methods

handyChartForHHTPRequestMethods | server-memes, test-memes, data-memes, date-memes, http-memes, ssl-memes, url-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, header-memes, tunnel-memes, tcp-memes |
Content GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH HEAD OPTIONS TRACE CONNECT HTTP Request Methods trieves data or resource from a specified URL. It is used to retrieve information mactual methods ver. It is used to send data to be essed by the server. It often results in the creation of a new resource on the server. dates the existing resource with the new data. It replaces the entire resource or eates it if it does not exist. letes the specified resource from the server. artially updates the existing resource with the provided data. PATCH request Des not create a new resource if the specified resource does not exist on the rver. trieve onlv the headers of a response. It is used to check the status or headers Of ch or Retrieve the allowed methods and other information of the specified re ource. Th TRACE method echoes back the received request to the client, allowing clients tc inspect the request and see any modifications or additions made by ermediaries. It is mainly used for the diagnostic purposes. nverts the request connection to a transparent TCPIP tunnel, commonly used r establishing secure SSLTLS connections through proxies.

Certainly an unintended repost but just in case it didn't reach this subreddit

Certainly an unintended repost but just in case it didn't reach this subreddit | excel-memes, image-memes, reddit-memes, subreddit-memes, IT-memes, tcp-memes, udp-memes |
Content Kirk Bater KirkBater Follow This image is a TCPIP Joke. This tweet is a UDP joke. I don't care if you get it. Thread iamkirkbater and jkjustjoshing lamkirkbater lIl Aug 23rd. 2017 at 9:37 AM in www Do you want to hear a joke about TCPIP? 7 replies jkjustjoshing 5 months ago Yes, I'd like to hear a joke about TCPIP lamkirkbater El 5 months ago Are you ready to hear the joke about TCPIP? jkjustjoshing 5 months ago I am ready to hear the joke about TCPIP lamkirkbater I 5 months ago Here is a joke about TCPIP. lamkirkbater IM 5 months ago Did you receive the joke about TCPIP? jkjustjoshing 5 months ago I have received the joke about TCPIP. lamkirkbater IN 5 months ago Excellent. You have received the joke about TCPIP. Goodbye.

Found This While Job Hunting

foundThisWhileJobHunting | software-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, program-memes, requirements-memes, security-memes, oop-memes, user interface-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, edge-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, graph-memes, tcp-memes, udp-memes |
Content Must be able to obtain and maintain a US DoD Securi Additional Desirable Qualifications, Skills and Knowledg Active DoD Security Clearance preferred CORBA, ACETAO, Graphical User Interface Program Network skills: TCPIP, UDP Protocols, CISCO Networ Familiarity with solving software compilation issues Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) experience Experience writing, maintaining and using GCC Mak Physical Requirements: Lifting up to 25 lbs.: up to 25 of time Walking: up to 25 of time Climbing, Bending, Standing, Stooping: up to 10 of Sitting: up to 75 of time Travel: up to 10 of time AAC works on a 980 compressed schedule whereby empl off. Advanced Acoustic Concepts, LLC is an equal opportunit applicants will receive consideration for employment wi

C With Classes Is Not Cpp

cWithClassesIsNotCPP | class-memes, tcp-memes |
Content I'm a good Cit programmer I am being honest no. only raw. Be honest ever used smart pointers? Thank you

Someone Please Invent Cplus

someonePleaseInventCPlus | c++-memes, c-memes, tcp-memes |

Tcp Vs Udp

tcpVsUdp | tcp-memes, udp-memes |
Content TCP UDP

I Hate Websocket

iHateWebsocket | programming-memes, web-memes, program-memes, server-memes, http-memes, socket-memes, tcp-memes |


TCP vs. UDP | tcp-memes, udp-memes |
Content TCP deposit UDP

The ol’ TCP/IP

The ol’ TCP/IP | command-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, tcp-memes |
Content What are the best NSFW "lifehacks"? blackdogwhitecat 5h 1 Award Don't know how to dirty talk? It can mostly be broken down into a conversation with your partner about how dirty the talk, and: 1. Question - you like that? 2. Confess - I like it when you do it like that 3. Command - yeah do it like that 5 Reply 4 3.1k J OkIndependent9119 1h 6 D. 3 Awards Ah the old TCPIP handshake 4 708 J