spark Memes

Fool Moon

foolMoon | engineer-memes, search-memes, ide-memes, spark-memes |
Content This Week In Science Researchers have mapped every neuron in the brain of a fruit fly - the first complete neuronal map of an adult animal with eyes and legs. NASA has announced plans to set a time zone on the Moon, which will help coordinate future explorations and missions to the lunar surface. The onset of type 1 diabetes could be triggered Sudautoneous. by a bacterial infection sparking an ominous shift in the immune system. A new drug, with a different mechanism of action, has been approved by the FDA to treat schizophrenia, widening treatment options. Scientists have genetically engineered a golden lettuce' that provides significantly higher amounts of vitamin A. In a bid to preserve as much power as possible, NASA has switched off an ionized particle detection instrument on Voyager 2.

Weird Prto Die On But Ok

weirdPRToDieOnButOk | spark-memes |

Flaming Text First Name Last Name

flamingTextFirstNameLastName | coding-memes, html-memes, css-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, spark-memes, cs-memes, space-memes |
Content Mark 106th It was called "MySpace" and we as children taught ourselves basic HTML and CSS coding to put marquee text banners, tacky sparkling gifs and custom colorways on our profiles.

Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all | javascript-memes, java-memes, python-memes, catch-memes, git-memes, pandas-memes, scala-memes, numpy-memes, tensorflow-memes, oop-memes, flask-memes, hadoop-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, linkedin-memes, bootstrap-memes, c#-memes, spark-memes, keras-memes, jupyter-memes |
Content my linkedin profile R, python, javascript, shiny, dplyr, purrr, ditto, ggplot, d3, canvas, spark, sawk, pyspark, sparkly, lodash, lazy, bootstrap, jupyter, vulpix, git, flask, numpy, pandas, feebas, scikit, pm, bayes,, sparkling-water, tensorflow, keras, onyx, ekans, hadoop, scala, unity, metapod, gc, cct, krebase, neo4j, hadoop. I typically ask recruiters to point out which of these are pokemon.

Spammers Messed Up

spammersMessedUp | http-memes, production-memes, spark-memes, product-memes |
Content SEPT 29 SelectionNo2610 16:05 HeyHelloHi thereYo, I recentlyjusttoday turned big one-eight!!eighteenlegall, and MannDudeHey there, I'm stokedexcitedpumpedthrilled to announcesharelproclaimdeclare that I've started! kicked offllaunched initiated my brand spanking new! freshsparklingshiny OF profile! I'm all abouttotally intolreally intoenthusiastic about teaming up partnering upjoining forcescollaborating with someone for some funexcitingenjoyableawesome content creationcreative content makingcontent production! https:onlyfans.comcandylunaxc26 SelectionNo2610 wants to chat Accept their request to start chatting ignore Accept Report Invite

All Helvetica Breaks Loose

allHelveticaBreaksLoose | software-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, google-memes, git-memes, perl-memes, search-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes, spark-memes |
Content Microsoft to Copyright Pi, Found to Contain Entire Arial Font In a revelation that has sent shockwaves through the tech and math communities, Microsoft has announced plans to copyright the constant pi (r). The company claims to have discovered that pi, when properly decoded, contains the entire Arial fontface. Dr. Calibri explained: "We were analyzing pi's decimal expansion when we noticed a pattern starting at the 3,141,592nd decimal place. By treating certain sequences as SVG path instructions, we found that the resulting Bezier curves perfectly matched the outlines of Arial characters in alphabetical order." Microsoft's legal team wasted no time in filing a copyright claim on pi, arguing that since it contains their proprietary font, they now own the rights to the number itself. This move has sparked outrage among mathematicians and free software advocates alike. Meanwhile, Google is rumored to be searching for Roboto hidden within the digits of e.

Scew You Pyspark May You Burn In Hell

ScewYouPysparkMayYouBurnInHell | ssl-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, spark-memes |
Content For: Tou make an installation gulde for a technology but fail to inform people about the 50 dependencies and 69 permission changes it takes for it to work.

Twitter stops paying for AWS, so Amazon threatened to... stop advertising on Twitter 🤣

Twitter stops paying for AWS, so Amazon threatened to... stop advertising on Twitter 🤣 | marketing-memes, aws-memes, google-memes, amazon-memes, cli-memes, network-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, spark-memes, twitter-memes |
Content GOOGLE AMAZON CLOUD Musk Delayed Paying Twitter's Amazon Cloud Bill, Sparking Ad Threat By Erin Woo March 3, 2023 4:06 PM PST Photo: Elon Musk. Photo by Getty. Elon Musk is running into an obstacle in his relentless drive to cut costs at Twitter: some of the same vendors that Twitter is squeezing to save money are also its advertising clients. As recently as last month, Twitter sales and marketing staff were told by their colleagues that Amazon had threatened to withhold payment for advertising it runs on Twitter because the social network for months refused to pay its Amazon Web Services bills for cloud computing services, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Which One Of You Coded This

whichOneOfYouCodedThis | code-memes, http-memes, spark-memes |
Content e Solid Acadia477 SolidAcadia477 0 Karma Profil anzeigen SEPT. 29 SolidAcadia477 14:09 HeyHelloHi thereYo, I recentlyljusttoday turned big one-eight!!jeighteenlegal, and MannDudeHey therel, I'm stokedexcitedl pumpedithrilled to announceshareproclaim declare that I've startedkicked offllaunched initiated my brand spanking newfreshl sparklingshiny OF profile! I'm all about totally intoreally intoenthusiastic about teaming uppartnering upljoining forces collaborating with someone for some fun excitingenjoyableawesome content creationcreative content makinalcontent production)! . Xc26 Solid Acadia477 mchte chatten Akzeptiere die Anfrage, um mit dem Chatten zu beginnen. Ignorieren Annehmen Einladung melden

What would YOU do with a Death Note?

What would YOU do with a Death Note? | code-memes, debugging-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, debug-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, spark-memes |
Content rAskReddit uBulletclubrenzo 10h NSFW 3 511 What if you found the Death Note? 4 15.3k 0 7.4k Share Award O BEST COMMENTS Sancakes 7h Does the death note accept ifandor statements? Could write some nice code to sort a lot of things out. 5 Reply 4 2.4k J dilwins21 5h 1 Award Please no. I know how many attempts it takes for some of your code to work correctly. 687 mista-sparkle 3h If you test your Death Note code out on people that annoy you, it's debugging in a new sense. 4 286

Tech Pile

techPile | tech-memes, stack-memes, server-memes, mysql-memes, data-memes, sql-memes, sql server-memes, postgresql-memes, postgres-memes, microsoft-memes, spark-memes, devops-memes |
Content That's not a Tech Stack Our tech stack includes, but is not limited to: Backend Java node Node.js CH Java Spring Swift Kotlin Python Scala Frontend DevOps 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 React Typescript Angular JavaScript 100 100 100 100 aws A Aws Kubernetes Terraform Ansible That's a heap 100 100 100 100 Data Hadoop Spark Spark Spark PySpark PostgreSQL Mongodb 100 100 100 100 100 Microsoft Sql Server 100 MySQL 100

K8s Make Your Dick Shrink

k8sMakeYourDickShrink | data-memes, IT-memes, spark-memes, kubernetes-memes, wpa-memes, k8s-memes, tables-memes |
Content Ffs It is fucking tough to keep up with these changing tools Mother fuckers come up with unpronounceable names. Fuck it. Apparantly plume and flume are two things that do what flink does poorly Snowpark is what snowflake came up with to do stuff like pyspark does, but nothing does that better than databricks. Which is a datalakehouse Apparantly dataware house and data lake now need to be married because someone now has data that big and complex And delta lake does some more fancy shit but with delta tables And delta here does not mean what you think it means Man Fuck this shit Kubernetese make your dick shrink