Programming quirks Memes

Posts tagged with Programming quirks

Golang Date Format: The Executive Order

Golang Date Format: The Executive Order
Ah, Golang's date formatting—the language where someone thought, "You know what developers need? More cognitive load!" Instead of using sensible formats like everyone else, Go decided that the reference date January 2, 2006 at 3:04:05 PM MST (01/02 03:04:05PM '06 -0700) would be their magic template. Want to format a date? Just remember which parts of this specific moment in time to use! It's like having to recite a magic incantation every time you need to print a simple timestamp. Seven years into using Go and I still have to Google this nonsense every single time.

Why No Trailing Commas

Why No Trailing Commas
The utopian future we could've had if SQL didn't punish us for that innocent trailing comma. Nothing says "welcome to database hell" like spending 20 minutes debugging a query only to find you left a comma after the last column in your SELECT statement. Meanwhile, every modern language lets you add trailing commas in arrays/objects because they're not sadistic. The irony? SQL was supposed to be "human-readable" but decided syntax errors were more fun than technological advancement. No wonder our flying cars got delayed.

You Cannot Be Too Careful, Right?

You Cannot Be Too Careful, Right?
THE ABSOLUTE PARANOIA OF MODERN DEVELOPMENT! 😱 Writes literally ONE semicolon and IMMEDIATELY smashes both autosave AND Ctrl+S because heaven forbid that masterpiece of syntax gets lost to the digital void! Like the code is the next Shakespeare sonnet that must be preserved for future generations! The trust issues with IDE autosave are REAL - it's there, it's working, but ARE YOU WILLING TO RISK IT? No, you are NOT! Manual save or DIE trying! The relationship between developers and the save button is more committed than most marriages!

Dating A Programmer

Dating A Programmer
Ah, the classic programmer date format joke. When normal humans talk about perfect dates, they're thinking candlelit dinners or beach walks. But our code-addicted friend here? His brain immediately jumps to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD), the only date format that makes any logical sense in a world of chaotic MM/DD/YY vs DD/MM/YY debates. After 20 years of parsing date strings, you develop a special kind of trauma. I've literally broken up with databases over their date handling. And don't get me started on JavaScript's Date object... that relationship was toxic from day one.