Premature optimization Memes

Posts tagged with Premature optimization

Speed Up A Program By Nanoseconds

Speed Up A Program By Nanoseconds
Oh. My. GOD. The ABSOLUTE ROYALTY that is a C++ developer after shaving off a microscopic 100 nanoseconds from their code! 👑 They're strutting around like they're literal ARISTOCRACY while everyone else must bow to their optimization genius. Never mind that a nanosecond is one BILLIONTH of a second and no human could possibly perceive this difference. But darling, in the C++ world, those 100 nanoseconds might as well be an ETERNITY! The developer has now earned the right to look down upon the peasants who dare use interpreted languages. *dramatic hair flip*

Web Scale But At What Cost

Web Scale But At What Cost
Startup founders building their tech stack like they're preparing for a billion users on day one! 😂 That architecture diagram is the definition of premature optimization - 47 microservices, 23 databases, and enough Kubernetes clusters to host Netflix... all to serve exactly ZERO users. Classic case of "we might need this someday" syndrome while the actual product hasn't even launched! The irony of spending months architecting for theoretical scale when what you really need is your first customer. Talk about putting the cart before 500 horses!

Lets Make It Better

Lets Make It Better
Ah, the classic "if it ain't broke, break it" approach to software development! Guy's peacefully riding along with working code, then thinks "let's refactor this perfectly functional code to make it better " and BAM—face-plants spectacularly into dependency hell. This is basically every developer who's ever said "I'll just make a small improvement" at 4:55 PM on a Friday. The bike was fine until you decided to "optimize" it, genius. Next time maybe just commit the working version before you decide to "improve" it?

Its A Lot Faster

Its A Lot Faster
Ah, the classic bitwise vs modulo showdown. Left guy uses (num%2) == 0 to check if a number is even - the textbook approach they teach you in CS101. Right guy with the sunglasses? He's using (num&1) == 0 - the bitwise AND operation that's marginally faster because it works directly with the bits. Same result, but the bitwise operation skips the division calculation. It's the programming equivalent of bringing a switchblade to a butter knife fight. Technically more efficient, practically irrelevant for most applications, but absolutely essential for establishing your dominance in code reviews.