Graphics Memes

Posts tagged with Graphics

The GPU Switzerland Paradox

The GPU Switzerland Paradox
The eternal struggle of PC builders trying to maintain neutrality in the GPU holy wars. Pressing both the "Not being a fanboy of Nvidia" and "Not being a fanboy of AMD" buttons simultaneously is the computing equivalent of Switzerland – theoretically possible but practically impossible. Meanwhile, everyone's wallet is crying in the corner as both companies charge "totally reasonable" prices that mysteriously keep climbing. The true enlightenment is realizing you're getting gouged either way, but at least you can pretend to be above the fanboy fray while secretly having strong opinions about DLSS vs FSR.

Enjoy Your Fake Frames

Enjoy Your Fake Frames
Remember when game devs hand-crafted assembly code to squeeze every cycle out of the PS2? Now they just throw more lights at the problem and hope DLSS will save them. Modern devs staring at their RTX 5090 wondering why their unoptimized mess runs like a slideshow. "But I added ray-tracing!" Yeah, and your grass simulation is calculating the aerodynamics of each individual blade. Maybe learn to write a shader that doesn't require NASA's computing budget.

Truly The Best Art

Truly The Best Art
Behold the majestic stick figure - the pinnacle of programmer art! When code wizards are forced to venture beyond their comfort zone of beautiful brackets and elegant functions, this masterpiece emerges. It's that magical moment when your boss says "we can't afford a designer" and suddenly your CS degree transforms you into Picasso with MS Paint skills. The artistic vision is... minimalist? Yeah, let's call it minimalist. 🎨