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ThisMeansALotToMe | json-memes, api-memes, object-memes, oop-memes, fix-memes, js-memes, reddit-memes, stream-memes, comment-memes |
json-memes, api-memes, object-memes, oop-memes, fix-memes, js-memes, reddit-memes, stream-memes, comment-memes |

[text] mikuchan03 comment Hil fixie wixied the JSONapi fucksy wucksiel xpp repwaced the Prototypes.func wiff a more streamyline Pwototypiee. funkywunks object that make the JS go soop xD starts twerking Can u pwease merge my pwull wequest senpai UwlU gaearon commenied on 1 what in the name of fuck This meant a lot to e l Only you know why reddit Recap 2023