Settling the debate once and for all

Settling the debate once and for all | c++-memes, bug-memes, terminal-memes, debug-memes, c-memes, console-memes |
c++-memes, bug-memes, terminal-memes, debug-memes, c-memes, console-memes |


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 include stdio.h include stdbool.h int main(int argc, char argv) printf("Which is greater, C or C? nAnswer: "); int c 1; bool cIsGreater ( c; if (cIsGreater) printf("C); else printf("C); return 0; PROBLEMS OUTPUT TERMINAL Which is greater, C or C? Answer: C DEBUG CONSOLE