Chipotle devs are wild

Chipotle devs are wild | developer-memes, devs-memes, IT-memes, train-memes, console-memes |
developer-memes, devs-memes, IT-memes, train-memes, console-memes |


TOTAL 21.28 PICKUP DELIVERY SWITCH TO PICKUP Bag Total Subtotal Deliverv Fee WHOA WHOA WHOA That is mighty generous of you, but tips can't be more than 50 of your food's total. 12.40 12.40 1.0C 3. OKAY Protagonist in Training nutoLKO 1m Replying to ANTWTF I find it so funny that at some point a developer typed out something along the lines of: If(tip.value (0.5 total) console.log('woah woah woah'); 17 M1

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