You Cannot Escape Them

youCannotEscapeThem | java-memes, regex-memes, string-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes |
java-memes, regex-memes, string-memes, IT-memes, bot-memes |


WEHEARD YOU LIKE ESCAPE SEQUENCES Alright. after banging my head against a wall for getting the right escape patterns to satisfy both java and ffmpeg I came up with this: 12 MyDrawTextString.replaceAll("", ' '") . replaceAll ("" 1:) 118"). replaceAli(";" Looks insane, but it works! Note: I had to double my backslashes in my answer here to get this to display correctly too :-P Dang those backslashes. The key is ffmpeg drawtext needs 3 backslashes to escape (",;:) and single quotes need to also be wrapped in a second pair of single quotes. Java String needs 2 backslashes to make one and java replaceAll regex needs to have 2 backslashes to make a single one in a string. Therefore you need (22)3 backslashes to escape things in drawtext filter string! SO WE PUT ESCAPE SEQUENCES ah N YOUR ESCAPE SEQUENCES

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