Sometimes IntelliJ is to smart for me

Sometimes IntelliJ is to smart for me | image-memes, function-memes, intellij-memes |
image-memes, function-memes, intellij-memes |


121 122 123 124 125 A 126 127 128 A 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 19 watch : selectedColor : function (val) this.setNewIconColor(this.hexToRgb( 0)); , imageMirrored : function (val) this. loadImageToCanvas (this, imageLink, this. imageMirrored); , imageLink: function (val) this. loadImageToCanvas (this. imageLink, this. imageMirrored); , selectedSize: function (val) let newHeight x.exec(this.selectedSize) 0; this. height newHeight; this.width neweight; 'newHeight' should probably not be assigned to 'width' more... (98 F1) Ascript style scoped Annunchirannons