The Bug "Fix" That Wasn't

The Bug "Fix" That Wasn't
debugging-memes, algorithms-memes, technical-debt-memes, programming-humor-memes, bug-fixing-memes |

OH. MY. GOD. The audacity of this developer! ๐Ÿ’… When asked how they fixed that nasty bug, they just casually drop "Ostrich algorithm" - which is literally the programming equivalent of shoving your head in the sand and pretending the problem doesn't exist! It's the digital version of putting a piece of tape over your check engine light! The absolute DRAMA of admitting you didn't actually fix anything but just decided the bug was "too rare to care about" is sending me to another dimension. This is peak developer energy - why spend 10 hours fixing something when you can spend 10 seconds ignoring it? *hair flip*

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