Stand Against Floats

#StandAgainstFloats | computer-memes, development-memes, data-memes, fix-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, binary-memes |
computer-memes, development-memes, data-memes, fix-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, binary-memes |


STOP USING FLOATS BINARY DATA WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE DECIMAL PARTS YEARS OF COMPILER DEVELOPMENT yet NO REAL-WORLD USE FOUND for anything other than char and int Wanted to use decimal numbers anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called FIXED-POINT ARITHMETIC 'x can be FALSE', ' is a number', 'the sum of t and is 0.30000000004'-statements dreamt up by the utterly Deranged LOOK at what Floating-Point Numbers have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the circuits and data types we built for them (This is REAL Floating-Point Arithmetic, done by REAL computers): fld TBYTE PT rdi X2 number 0.5F; fyl2xp1 fdecstp number; fld st(0) fstp TBYTE PTR rdi i ( long ) y; fld TBYTE PR Ersil 05f3759df - ( i 1 ); fstp OWORD PTR rsp16 movsd (float ) Si; xmmO, QWORD PTR rsp16 V y (threehalfs - (2 y y ) ); ucomisd xmm1. xmmO sign exponent (8 bits) significand (23 bits) 01000100000000000000000000 0.15625 30 23 22 (bit index) "Hello, I want to know if f is a real number and less than -1 please?' 'Sure, that'll be f!f?0: -10.fff-1.f0?0:-1.ff' They have played us for absolute fools

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