Penguins do not fly, they swim (Learn CSS Transforms by Building a Penguin - Step 86) 53288 O Closed wblondel opened this issue on Jan 20 2 comments wblondel commented on Jan 20 edited Contributor Describe the Issue On the 86th step of the "Learn CSS Transforms by Building a Penguin" course in the "Responsive Web Design" certification, this fun fact is shown Fun fact: Penguins cannot fly without wings. 1 believe this is a mistake, because even with wings, penguins cannot fly. However, they need them to swim. Affected Page https:www.freecodecamp.orglearn2022responsive-web-designlearn-css-transforms-by-building-a-penguinstep-86 Your code NA Expected behavior In my opinion, the fun fact should be replaced with: Fun fact: Penguins cannot swim without wings. Assignees ShaunSHamilton Labels (scope: curriculum (type: bug Projects None yet Milestone No milestone Development No branches or pull requests Notifications Customize A Subscribe You're not receiving notifications from this thread.