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I thought y’all would enjoy this (btw bugs can be used as a way to prove copyright infringement!)

I thought y’all would enjoy this (btw bugs can be used as a way to prove copyright infringement!) | code-memes, aws-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, image-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, startup-memes, comment-memes |
code-memes, aws-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, image-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, startup-memes, comment-memes |


Bethesda sues Warner for ripping off Fallout Shelter in its Westworld game By Andy Chalk 2 hours ago Bethesda claims the Westworld mobile game is basically a clone of Fallout Shelter, and even uses the same code. f cOMMENTS The lawsuit examines the many similarities between Westworld and Fallout Shelter in detail, but what makes the case seem particularly egregious is Bethesda’s allegation that Westworld contains the same bugs as Fallout Shelter did when it was launched. One such bug causes the view to be off-center and out of focus at startup, "as if a camera capturing the scene had been inadvertently pointed to the lower right foreground and then slowly refocuses on the central image." Bethesda identifying stolen code by the bugs in it is the most perfectly Bethesda thing to ever happen.