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To the pick your poison post I raise you this info graphic

To the pick your poison post I raise you this info graphic | programmer-memes, program-memes, api-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, graph-memes |
programmer-memes, program-memes, api-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, graph-memes |


snakecase Pros: Concise when it consists of a few words. Cons: Redundant as hell when it gets longer. pushsomethingtofirstqueue, popwhat, getwhatever. PascalCase Pros: Seems neat. GetItem, SetItem, Convert, Cons: Barely used. (why?) camelCase Pros: Widely used in the programmer community Cons: Looks ugly when a few methods are -worded. push, reserve, beginBuilding, skewer-case Pros: Easy to type. easier-than-capitals, easier-than-underscore, Cons: Any sane language freaks out when you try it. SCREAMING SNAKE CASE Pros: Can demonstrate your anger with text. Cons: Makes your eyes deaf. LOOKATTHIS, LOOKATTHAT, 100KHEREYOUMORON, nocase Pros: Looks professional. Cons: Misleading af. supersexyhippothalamus, bool penisbig, fUcKtHeCaSe Pros: Can live outside of the law. Cons: Can be out of a job. Pi nerrumor to