
She mentioned C++ along English in her language list on her profile… Would these qualify as pickup lines for a dating App???

She mentioned C++ along English in her language list on her profile… Would these qualify as pickup lines for a dating App??? | try-memes, c++-memes, list-memes, date-memes, search-memes, language-memes, space-memes |
try-memes, c++-memes, list-memes, date-memes, search-memes, language-memes, space-memes |

[text] 0102 Tue Nov 22 include life include alexandra include gabriel extern Alexandra alexandra int main Gabriel gabriel new Gabriel Validate ptr assertalexandra nullptr assertgabriel nullptr bool isMatch isMatch liveTryPing alexandra gabriel ifisMatch gabrielSetHappy gabrielPendingResponse else alexandra Wishing you good luck with your researches and adventures Let the life namespace garbage collect gabriel return O