in ,

nobody mentioned this method of indentation, but to be fair I shouldn’t be allowed near a computer

nobody mentioned this method of indentation, but to be fair I shouldn't be allowed near a computer | computer-memes, c++-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes, container-memes, indentation-memes, space-memes |
computer-memes, c++-memes, ios-memes, stream-memes, container-memes, indentation-memes, space-memes |


main.cpp – C Dev Container: C C main.cpp X G main.cpp main (int, char 1) 1 include iostream 2 define SPACE 0x20 3 4 int main(int arg, char argv) 5 6 7 SPACE; SPACE; SPACE; SPACE;std:: cout "hello world!n"; SPACE; SPACE; SPACE; SPACE; return 0; 8