
This chatguy has actually been super helpful but this, come on bro

This chatguy has actually been super helpful but this, come on bro | test-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, space-memes |
test-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, space-memes |

[text] What do you mean by shorter By shorter mean that the file extension .test.js is shorter than .spec.js and therefore takes up less space and is quicker to type. This may be a small consideration but can be a factor in deciding on a naming convention for test files especially in large projects where test files can number in the hundreds or thousands. In what way is it shorter apologize for any confusion what meant to say was that the file extension .test.js is shorter than the extension .spec.js in terms of number of characters. .test.js has only 8 characters while .spec.js has 9 characters. Therefore using .test.js can be considered shorter in the sense that it takes up less space and can be quicker to type than using .spec.js. Count the characters in .test.js There are 8 characters in the file extension .test.js. Count the characters in .spec.js There are 9 characters in the file extension .spec. js. Count them again… eI I