[text] 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 V2 Atthis.point Idliketotakeamomenttospeakto.youabout the Adobe.PSDformat. PSD1snot agood format. PSD.isnot evenabad. format. Calling it suchwouldbean insult toother bad.formats suchasPCX.or JPEG. No PSD is.anabysmal format. Having worked onthis code forseveral.weeksnow myhate for PSDhasgrowntoaraging fire that burns with the fierce.passionof amillionsuns. If there.are. twodifferent.waysof doingsomething PSD will.doboth indifferent places. It willthen make.upthree.more ways nosanehunanwould thinkof anddo those R R T T T BV T R T X TN BT S AU that these particular chunks should. bealigned to four bytes and that this.alignement should not beincludedin the size.Otherchunksinother places.areeitherunaligned oralignedwith thealignment includedin.thesize. Here though itisnot.included. Either one of these three behaviours wouldbe fine.Asaneformat wouldpickone. PSD of course uses allthree andmore. Tryingtogetdataout.of aPSD. file.is liketrying.tofind somethingin the atticof your eccentric olduncle whodiedinafreakfreshwater sharkattackonhis.58th birthday. Thatlast detailmaynotbe.important.for the purposes of thesimile but at this.point.I.amspendinga.lotof tine.inagining amusingfates.forthepeople T TS R T R e T L AP SR L et Earlier I.triedto.geta.hold of the.latest specs.forthe.PSD. file format. Todo this Ihadtoapplyto them. for permission. toapply tothemto. have them.consider sending me this. sacred tome. This would . have involved faxing themacopyof somedocument or other probably signed inblood. Icanonlyinagine that theymake thisprocessso difficultbecause. theyare. intenselyashamedof havingcreated. this.abomination. I was naturallynot gullible enough togo throughwith this. procedure butif I.haddone S0 Iwould haveprintedouteverysinglepage of thespec andset themall.onfire. Were it within.mypower I.would.gather everysingle.copyof thosespecs and. launch themonaspaceship directlyinto the.sun PSDisnot my favourite Fileformat
in Testing