How almost every Stack Overflow question looks to me How do I do this thing? 43 I'm not aware of how to use Google, how do I do this basic thing in Language X? coding question share improve this question edited Apr 2 '12 at 8:13 Grammar Nazi 2.5M 739 70 asked Feb 1 '10 at 16:27 133720 210306 5 Answers active oldest votes Lazy but functional answer with no extensibility 12 share improve this answer answered Feb 1'10 at 16:30 (BE 11280 CodE 25 That's perfect! I'm never checking back here again! - 1337z0r Feb 1'10 at 16:42 A lot of people think you should do it in a lazy way, however in the long run it will help you if you read this well eloquent wall of text that acutely describes problems you will inevitably face but not take the time to 248 read about here: enjoy these code samples and lustrations I puled from thin air anyway! share improve this answer answered Feb 1 '10 at 16:30 A WTF look at my points 34M 400 150 60 18 The official way to do this is link. share improve this answer answered Feb 1 '10 at 16:29 Professional Coder 5.241 224 63 Uh.. No thanks, this is too hard. Can you give me an example of how my code should look when complete? - 1337z0 Feb 1 '10 at 16:41