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Life has fallen far since those innocent days when I first wrote hello word

Life has fallen far since those innocent days when I first wrote hello word | html-memes, css-memes, stack-memes, try-memes, catch-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |
html-memes, css-memes, stack-memes, try-memes, catch-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes |

[text] Visible WiFi 1224 PM 7 63 W9 o Hey girl are you css3 cuz am html 5 and together we can be Turing complete Today 1058 AM e g. . Or we could be hammering about with brainfuck Today 1214 PM could brainfuck you so hard that cause your stack to over flow if . you get what mean Mmmm recursing so deep theres no point in me even trying to catch it Type a message Send faesno