Content inDut.ty - Notepad Edit Format View Help dick Section balls crap This is a paragraph. You can get fuck bold shit text, ass italic shit text, and whore underline dick text. tits pussy Mow Ic works cIcs crap rou have an ass input file, file, balls and a ass trigger file. tits If you want to type a reserved word, use the character: dick, pussy, and crap for example. shit crap The input and output files are self explanatory. The dictionary file tells what spit words will be converted to what HTML tag. The purpose of the trigger file is to out end tags without getting too repetative. dick pussy Example dick crap Say you have this input: normal fuck bold ass bold-italic whore bold-italic-underline shit dick balls Then the rendered HiM will look like this: normal fuck bold ass bold italic whore bold-italic-underline shit dick balls The end tags are stored when the interpreter recognizes a keyword. If fuck is written, then the sprebpre 1s stored. It lass is written betore the pre o pre end tag 1s triggered. then both pre1 and b pre 15 Stored. If two of the trigger MOras wriccen, the boch end cags are recurned respectively. So fuck ass shit dick becomes prebiibpre dictionarv.txt Notepad - File Fdit Format View Help dick crap fuck ass h2 eir intend triggers. File Fdit Forms shit dick balls tits rrom file.. To file Dictionary rile trigge Not ready Eile Edit Format View Help neac titleTourettes Interpretertitle h1Sectionh1 phis is a paragraph. You can get bboldb text, 1italIc1 text, and uunderline utext.p h2How it worksh2 pYou have an iinput file, i an ioutput file, ia idictionary file,i and a itrigger file.i If you want to type a reserved word, use the -character: dick. PUssy, and crap for example.p pThe input and output files are self explanatory. The dictionary rile tells what words will be converted to what - tag. The purpose of the trigger file is to spit out end tags without getting too repetative. p khzexample nz kpSay you have this input:normal fuck bold ass bold- italic whore bold-italicunderline shit dick ballsThen the rendered HIM will look like this:normal bsbold isolde italic ubold-italic-underlineu ibThe end tags stored when the interpreter recognizes a keyword. If Fuck is written, then the ltbgt is stored. If ass is written before the lt bgt end tag is triggered, ther both at icet and altbet is stored. It two of the trigger words are written, the both end tags are returne respectively. so ruck ass shit dick becomes aitbeeta tidetat icetaltbaet.o body o D Tourettes Interpreter C A B file:CUSES U i g Section This is a paragraph. You can get bold text, italic text, and underline text How it works You have an input file, an output file, a dictionary file, and a trigger file. If you want to type a reserved word, use the I-character: dick, pussy, and crap for example. The input and output files are self explanatory. The dictionary file tells what words will be converted to what HTML tag. The purpose of the trigger file is to spit out end tags without getting too repetative. Example Say you have this input normal fuck bold ass bold-italic whore bold-italic-underline shit dick balls Then the rendered HTML will look like this: normal bold bold-italic bold-italic- underline The end tags are stored when the interpreter recognizes a keyword. If fuck is written, then the b is stored. If ass is written before the b end tag is triggered, then both i and b is stored. If two of the trigger words are written, the both end tags are returned respectively. So fuck ass shit dick becomes