
Found this in Rufus’s code

Found this in Rufus's code | code-memes, version-memes, security-memes, xml-memes, windows-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes |
code-memes, version-memes, security-memes, xml-memes, windows-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, ML-memes |

[text] Z5 e 18 dependentAssenbly EO DT P trustInfo xmlnsurnschemasmicrosoftcomasm.v3 21 PERCTE P2 requestedprivileges 23 requestedExecutionLevel 3 levelrequireAdministrator P T S e P requestedprivileges 27 security 28 trustinfo P compatibility xmlnsurnschemasmicrosoftcom 30 If you dont have those in your app Windows 10s GetVersionEx 31 DELTBERATELY reports the WRONG version… which brings us to tonights spelling bee How do you spell spineless morons 33 The answer MICR050FT spineless morons 34 PETAEIIS T ES windows 16 supportedos Td8e6f7a12bfb34fesboas48fdsealsaga 37 RIRS T IT T E supported0s Td1f676c768ee1423995bb83def6deda78 39 PURSNT LI S r supported0s Td4a2f28e353b94441baocd69d4adase3s e PIEUL A 2 supportedos Td35138b9a5d964fbd8e2da2446225F93a el windows Vista a supportedos Tde2011457154643c5a5fe608dece3d3f0 r3 QEEEEIe 5 compatibility EARVECE T e