A picture of a man who has the requirements for an entry developer position.

A picture of a man who has the requirements for an entry developer position. | developer-memes, try-memes, requirements-memes, ios-memes, pdf-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
developer-memes, try-memes, requirements-memes, ios-memes, pdf-memes, ML-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Prof.V.N. Parthilan MA, (EcO), MA (PA), MA (809), MA (BuB, Eco) M A (HRM), MA. (HR), MARD). M.A (Journallsm), M.A (IRPM), M.A (Criminology), M.A. (Police Sclenco), MA(Education), M.B.A (Fin), MIB. A (HRM) M B.A (RiSK MOD,MIB.A. (FS) 0102177709 (G.on) M.B.A (Indi, Engeering) M.B.A(M. M)M. Com, MiCom.(Aco), M.Com (BIM) M.Com. (co-op. Mgt); M.Com(Fin. Mgt), M.Gom (Mkg.), M.Com.) (Edu,) M.C.S, M.F.M,M.FT., M.HIR.M, M..M., M8M, M.L (Con. Int),M.L.(Contract), MIL. (Lab Adm.) MIL (Proporty), MIL. (Business (av), M.L (Int Bus,) ML. (Crop.Law) ML(CrilLaw), MIL ((pr), M.LEnv.Law) MIL.M. Log Mgt), MiLLIM. (Lab.Mgt), M.Sc., (Ecol Envi.), M.Sc. (Psy), M.So. (TQM), M.PhII. (COM) M.PhIl. (Crop.Sec,), M.Phil (Eco), M.Phil. (int.Bus, M.PhIl (Lab studios), M.PNI. (Mg4), M.PRI(PA) M Phil (PoliScience), M. PhIl (Sco)) M.Phil(Psy), M.Phil(Law), M.PKI (SW), MIMM, MBL (NLSIU), PGDCL, M.Sc (Medical Sociology), Al (Gen.), AlI(MIsc), AI (16), ADIM, AMT, ATC, FOMA, FCS, FIlI, ASM, MIMA, Grad.O.R, PDQAM, PODSM(CI) PODLL, PGDBL, PGDIF, PGDEL,PGDCL, POTQM PODAOR, PODBA(LIBA), PGOGILIP PGDHRDI, PGDIPR, PGDLA, PGDM(AIMA) PGDOR,POMM(IMM), PGDBA ((IMS), PGDPM(NIPM). PGDPM IR,PGDOM, PDFM, POIRPM ADIB, ADII, CA (CO) DTD (STO) OMIL, DUAL, DIL, DIB, DGOM, ORTI, DTE, Ph.D, CIA, CIM CIMA, GPA, OGL, GLS, CIPR, SLET, SET, UGC - NET, Deptiof Commerce RKM Vivekananda College, Chennal 4, Cell: 98847 23138 Emall-enparthlbanvahoo.co.n

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