Zero Ones Go 0111 F 0 H 010 F 0 H 010 F 0 H 010

Zero Ones Go 0111 F 0 H 010 F 0 H 010 F 0 H 010
readme-memes, documentation-memes, git-memes, developers-memes, morse-code-memes |

The evolution of README files is getting out of hand! Starting with the basic for normies, then leveling up to README.txt for the slightly cooler devs. But wait—README.pdf?! That's for those documentation wizards who want their formatting PERFECT. And README.mp4? That's galaxy-brain territory for devs who explain their code with ACTUAL VIDEOS! But the final form—Morse code on a telegraph machine—that's for the absolute legends who communicate in ways even Git can't track! Your commit messages may be bad, but at least you're not sending them via telegraph... yet! 😂