code tinitu Codefinity Sponsras S X Start Coding Today A LEARN C PROGRAMMING IN 6 WEEKS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Variables and Datalypes - Variables - Data tvres - Numerical data tupes -String - sizeof(), auto, typedef WEEK 5 Functions - Main function - Type of functions - Return - Functions with arguments -Overloaded tunction Introduction to C - What is C? - First program - include directive - Namespace WEEK 3 Arrays and Operators Const and enum - A little m -Logical operators - Compound assignment operator - Bitwise shirt operators WEEK 4 Control Statements -it...else -Ternary operator Switch-case - do...while WEEK 6 Pointers and References - Main function - Type of functions - Return - Functions with arguments - Overloaded function TRY BYTE-SIZED LEARNING Top-rated C course is a few clicks ... Las mer