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Woah! Who’s going to Reddit to solve bugs?? Forget him, is production running safe?

Woah! Who’s going to Reddit to solve bugs?? Forget him, is production running safe? | programming-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, stackoverflow-memes, stack-memes, program-memes, google-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, overflow-memes, production-memes, reddit-memes, product-memes |
programming-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, stackoverflow-memes, stack-memes, program-memes, google-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, overflow-memes, production-memes, reddit-memes, product-memes |

[text] Q Computer programming See more Frank Eno Mystery Box The Room… xsgames Your code has a bug where do you go first a Google b StackOverflow c Reddit d Crying to your mom 2326 241022 Hypefury