
The Great Pyramids of Ancient Code

The Great Pyramids of Ancient Code | code-memes, try-memes, password-memes, date-memes, object-memes, email-memes, url-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, public-memes |
code-memes, try-memes, password-memes, date-memes, object-memes, email-memes, url-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, public-memes |


public override bool Equals (object obj) if (lobj is User) return false; if (((User)obj) . FirstName this .FirstName) if (((User)obj).LastName this.LastName) if (((User)obj) .EmailAddress this.EmailAddress if (((User)obj) .Password this .Password) if (((User)obj) AvatarURL this .AvatarURL) if (((User)obj) DisplayName this.DisplayName) if (((User)obj) Language this. Language) if (((User)obj.PhoneNumber this .PhoneNumber) if (((User)obj) . LastLoginDate this. LastLoginDate) if (((User)obj.RegistrationDate this.RegistrationDate) if (((User)obj.DateofBirth this.DateofBirth) if (((User)obj) .Address this .Address if (((User)obj) .SuitNo this.SuitNo) if (((User)obi).ZipCode this.ZipCode) if (((User)obi).State this.State) if (((User)obj.Country this.Country) F if (((User)obj) .AccountBalance this .AccountBalance) if (((User)obj) .SecretQuestionCode this .SecretQuestionCode) if (((User)obj.SecretQuestionAnswer this.SecretQuestionAnswer) if (((User)obj.LastPurchaseDate this.LastPurchaseDate) if (((User)obj) .Fetish this .Fetish) return true; return false: