Refactoring This Should Be A Breeze...

Refactoring This Should Be A Breeze...
technical-debt-memes, legacy-code-memes, refactoring-memes, code-quality-memes, software-development-memes |

Ever seen a codebase that looks like it was designed by drunk toddlers playing Jenga? That's what happens when someone utters those fateful words: "Just keep coding. We can always fix it later."

This brick wall is basically every legacy project I've inherited. Sure, it technically "works" in the same way this wall technically exists — but one strong breeze (or one edge case) and the whole thing collapses faster than my will to live during a 3 AM production hotfix.

And that promised refactoring? It's like saying "I'll start my diet tomorrow" — we all know it's never happening. By the time you circle back, you'll need a team of archaeologists to understand what that spaghetti mess was supposed to do in the first place.

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